تعليمات العناية بالملابس
العناية الجيدة بملابسك الرياضية تضمن لك بقائها في حالة ممتازة مما يطيل عمرها ويحافظ علي جودتها ومتانتها لفترة اطول. ننصح بأتباع تعليمات العناية بالملابس الخاصة بوزرد اثليجر للمحافظة على جودتها لأعوام طويلة.
التعليمات المتعلقة بغسل الملابس
الغسيل باستعمال الغسالة :
درجة الحرارة: : ننصح بغسل معظم الملابس على درجه حرارة ٣٠ مئوية.
هذه الحرارة تحمي القماش من التلف.
الدوران: استعمل دوران عادي عند الغسيل. وللملابس الحساسة يفضل استعمال دوران سهل لضمان تعامل سهل مع الأقمشة..
غسيل بماء بارد: عند غسل ملابس حساسة او ملابس بالوان زاهية, يفضل استعمال ماء بارد . تحافظ المياه الباردة على الألوان ونسيج الملابس .
2. Bleaching Agents:
Avoid Use: Do not use any bleaching agents, as they can weaken fabric fibers and cause discoloration. This includes both chlorine bleach and non-chlorine bleach.
3. Ironing:
درجة الحرارة: Iron your items at a maximum temperature of 110°C/230°F. Higher temperatures can burn or damage the fabric.
Technique: If ironing is necessary, iron on the reverse side of the fabric to avoid damaging any prints or embellishments. For items labeled with “Do not iron,” avoid ironing completely to prevent damage.
4. Drying:
Avoid Tumble Drying: Tumble drying can cause shrinkage and damage delicate fabrics. It’s best to avoid using a tumble dryer.
Hang Dry: Instead, hang your items to dry naturally. This method helps maintain the shape and integrity of the fabric. Prompt Removal: Remove garments promptly from the washing machine once the cycle is complete to minimize wrinkles and prevent mold or mildew.
5. Color Care:
Similar Colors: Wash items with similar colors together to prevent color bleeding and fading. This is especially important for new garments or brightly colored fabrics.
6. Detergents:
Eco-friendly Options: Use eco-friendly detergents. These detergents are gentler on fabrics and the environment, helping to maintain the quality of your garments over time.
7. Specific Care Tips
Avoid Fabric Softeners: Fabric softeners can leave residues that affect the fabric’s breathability and absorbency.
8. Dry Cleaning:
Not Allowed: Do not dry clean your garments unless the care label specifically indicates that it is safe. The chemicals used in dry cleaning can be harsh and damaging to many fabrics.
By adhering to these aftercare instructions, you can ensure that your products remain as good as new for as long as possible. Proper care not only helps maintain the quality but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to garment maintenance.